How Child/Teen Counseling Can Help
Pathways specializes in youth and family services.
We understand the important developmental stages children and teens go through, and we utilize a “Family Systems” approach to help our younger clients work through any trauma or life trouble they may be experiencing.
We help families identify their dynamic strengths as a group and use those to address and overcome specific challenges individual members face.
Common Service Areas Include
State Involved Reunification/Termination
Coping Skills
Stabilizing After Crisis
Gender and Sexuality
Interpersonal Skills
Processing Medical Diagnosis
School-Related Issues
Family and Peer Relationships
PeAk Performance
Additional Programs & Services
This program is a comprehensive, integrated approach to serving families and children impacted by the trauma of child abuse and neglect.
This service comprises in-home interventions designed to protect, strengthen, help, and restore families. Goals for this program are individualized and designed to prevent further incidents of child abuse or neglect. Whether the direction is reunification or termination, Pathways will be there to closely work with the Oklahoma Department of Human Services.
Our DHS program provides a complete menu of services, including:
- Representation at all legal staffing and meetings
- Preparation of court reports and progress reports for all requested events
- Psych testing with emphasis on trauma diagnosing and effective parenting measures
- Therapeutic visits with a licensed therapist who will produce reports and assessments
In addition, we offer:
- In-home service to all of Oklahoma City and its metro area
- Drug testing program upon request
- A 12-week parenting program at no charge for all parents
This program focuses on recognizing all of the individual needs of its participants wrapped up in one complete care package.
Pathways has partnered with The Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to coordinate primary and behavioral health integration, called “Health Home.” This integrated care program focuses on recognizing all of the individual needs of its participants wrapped up in one complete care package. This program can be combined with our DHS Preventative Program.
Integrated Care Common Program Elements Include:
- Comprehensive care management
- Care coordination
- Health promotion
- Comprehensive transitional care
- Individual and family support
- Referral to community and social support services
- Use of health information to link services as feasible and appropriate
These courses rely on cutting edge cognitive-behavioral counseling techniques to deter recidivism in children who have experienced an arrest.
These courses meet weekly at a variety of times and require a referral from an child probation program in the state. Please contact our office for times and available classes.
The use of digital communication technologies, such as computer and mobile devices to confidentiality access services remotely.
Use digital communication technologies, such as computers and mobile devices to confidentially access services remotely.

Let us help you find your path.
EMAIL: [email protected]
PHONE: (405) 607-4041
FAX: (405) 463-0090